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article deals with the discovery of a prehistoric site with rock art, found in
Southern Ethiopia (Sidamo). It is a
rock-shelter; a large amount of engravings are preserved on its walls,
representing cattle and symbolic motifs; a male anthropomorphic figure is
represented, too.
Taking into
consideration only stylistic comparisons, most of the figures belonging to the
complex may be dated back to a period ranging between the end of the third
millennium B. C and the second millennium B. C. Further information could be
obtained by excavating the archaeological deposit laying in the rock-engraving
Ethiopia – Engravings – Rock art
The prehistoric locality of
Gesuba is located in the north-western
zone of the Sidamo region, laying about 1370 m
Fig. 2. General map of Ethiopia indicating the position of the Gesuba site. | Fig. 3. Plan (A) and section of the Gesuba rock-shelter. |
It is a small cave with a shelter facing it, inside a limestone
formation, located about 6 m above the level of the Weyo River, one of the many
poor streams that deeply carve the Ethiopian plateau. On that point the river
can be forded and women and children from the nearest villages come over there
to have their winter supplies and to water the cattle.
At present the shelter is occasionally occupied as a refuge by the shepherds, but they do not interfere with the engraved figures on the walls of the cave, while a large number of modern engravings and graffiti can be found on certain rocks near the villages. Some of the elders in the people attribute the engravings in the shelter to the work of a legendary personage, not exactly specified. (2)
The shelter is about 14 m wide, and has an average depth of 3 m. Its
vault is about 3.5 m above the present floor which is composed of a remarkable
archaeological layer. All the engravings are placed on the shelter faces, mostly
on currently inaccessible wall zones, while the facing cave has no engraving.
The patina on the strokes is quite homogeneous, being always slightly lighter
than the
All the engravings have been made by a semicircular stroke.
Fig. 4. View of the eastern wall of the Gesuba rock-shelter |
Eight main units
of engravings can be identified by detailed study (looking from east to west):
1) A
group consisting of an anthropomorphic figure without head, drawn near the
representation of an ox, vertically outlined. The height of the human figure is
of 31.2 cm; the length of the ox is of 60.2 cm (Figures 5, 6).
Fig. 5. Engravings of the Gesuba rock-shelter: anthropomorphic figure and ox. | Fig. 6. Tracing of the engravings of Figure 5. |
2) A
panel with cattle and symbols. The cave in the middle measures 25.6 cm; the
double spiral associated with the animal measures 9.2 cm; the solar symbol,
associated with the representation of the animal too, measures 16.4 cm
(Figures 7, 8).
Fig. 7. Engravings of the Gesuba rock-shelter: cow and symbols. | Fig. 8. Tracing of the engravings of Figure 7. |
3) A
big panel comprising many representations of cattle and symbols. In some cases
it is difficult to read the engravings because they are shabby. In the middle of
the panel there is a figure formed by adjacent rows of cups; taking into
consideration the condition of the patina that engraving seems to be more recent
than the other ones. The measures of animal representations range between 20.4
cm and 39.6 cm; the symbolic and abstract signs measure up to 20 cm; the figure
drawn by the cups measures 41.2 cm in all (Figures 9, 24).
Fig. 9. Engravings of the Gesuba rock-shelter: figure formed by a row of cups. |
4) A
big panel, adjacent to the preceding one, also consisting of figures of cattle
and symbols. The dimensions of the animals represented their range between 20.8
and 28.4 cm.
5) A quadrangular figure with the interior divided into four parts by a cross-shaped pattern; two signs of uncertain meaning have been drawn inside the parts. The patina of that engraving appears to be lighter than the one on other engravings, thus it could be more recent. Dimensions: width 19,6 cm; height 23.6 cm (Figures 10, 11).
Fig. 10. Engravings of the Gesuba rock-shelter: quadrangular figure. | Fig. 11. Tracing of engravings of Figure 10. |
Fig. 12. Engravings of the Gesuba rock-shelter: circular signs and a half-moon.shaped sign. |
7) A
group of twelve cups deeply engraved into the rock, forming a vaguely
semicircular figure. The whole group measures-22.2 cm (Figure 14).
Fig. 13. Tracing of the engravings of Figure 12. | Fig. 14. Tracing of the group of twelve cups deeply engraved into the rock. |
8) A
complex figure with an obscure meaning; maximum height 106.8 cm; maximum width
84.8 cm (Figures 15, 16),
Fig. 15. Engravings of the Gesuba rock-shelter: enigmatic figure. |
Fig. 16. Tracing of the engraving of Figure 15. |
other engravings are likely to have existed on the right of that figure, but
only weak traces, unreadable to the naked eye, are left, because of the
atmospheric agents that have worn out the rock in that part which is outside the
the chronostratigraphic data are completely missing, comparisons and relations
between the site of Gesuba and other Ethiopian localities with rupestrian art
may be made only by considering the stylistic features of the engraved
Gesuba, as well as in many other African localities with prehistoric art, there
are two predominant patterns: the representations of cattle and symbols; at
Gesuba the human figure appears only once, and it is tightly linked with the
representation of an ox.
The engravings of cattle reproduce stylized animals, without hump, drawn in profile and generally facing right; the dimensions of these engravings range approximately between 20 and 40 cm (Figures 17 – 19).
Fig. 17. Engravings of the Gesuba rock-shelter: ox. | Fig. 18. Engravings of the Gesuba rock-shelter: cattle. |
Fig. 19. Tracing of the engravings of the Gesuba rock-shelter: cattle. |
In Eastern
Africa, the chronological sequence of pastoral art is almost exclusively based
on the style of the most widespread figures, that is representations of cattle.
In that area, the
appearance of late-prehistory rock art is marked by peculiar features known as
the Ethiopian-Arabian style (Cervicek 1971, 1978 – 79, Joussaume 1981), an
artistic current which spread mainly among Central Arabja, Hidjaz, Eritrea,
Ethiopia and, to a smaller extent, Northern Africa (Cervicek 1978 – 79: 8).
According to that artistic trend, cattle are always drawn without humps, seen in
profile with only one of their forefeet and one of their hind legs represented,
and their heads with big horns outlined as if they were seen from above. The
Ethiopian-Arabian style has been divided into two different stages (Cervicek
1978 – 79, Joussaume 1981): the first, restricted to Southern and Eastern
Ethiopia, is called Surre from the name of the eponymous site, Surre or
Genda-Biftou, in the Ethiopian region of Harar; the second, called Dahthami
(Anati 1972) from the name of a locality in Central Arabia, is characterized by
a larger geographical diffusion (Central Arahia, Eritrea, Eastern Ethiopia,
Northern Somaliland) and by a wider range of drawing styles; comparing the
second stage with the older figures, a trend towards schematism can be
recognized: animal bodies lengthen, horns bend, ears are completely missing,
heads are never distinguished from the body. The more recent phase of that
second stage is marked by the appearance of zebus, camels and a large series of
schematic or abstract patterns in the iconographic list.
The stylistic patterns of our engravings can be well considered as proper
to the first stage (Surre) of the Ethiopian-Arabian style; strictly confining
ourselves to the Ethiopian territory, we can find the Surre stage in the
paintings of the localities of Laga Oda (Cervicek 1971), Laga Gafra (Cervicek
& Braukämper 1975), Genda-Biftou (Breuil 1934, Clark 1954), Ourso (Bailloud
1963), Wayber (Joussaume 1981), Saha Sharifa (Von Rosen 1949, Clark 1954), Errer
Kimiet (Von Rosen 1949, Clark 1954), in the Harar region and in the altorilievos
of the localities of Chabbé (Anfray 1967) and Galma (Anfray 1976), in the Sidamo
The engravings at Gesuba show no remarkable feature, with the only
exception of a cow included in a group (Figures 7, 8) which has an
unknown meaning to us, but certainly meaningful to those who draw it, It is
generally the ox which is represented, but in that engraving a cow with a double
spiral on the left can be observed, and a star-shaped or solar symbol on the
right. The meaning, as we have just said, remains obscure. The spiral is an
allover widespread pattern no matter what the period: it has been associated
with any kind of Agures, or it appears isolated, it is formed by strokes similar
one to the other.
So there is practically
no possibility to attribute a definite meaning to it. In this case we may
suppose the double spiral could represent a human figure, created by a
dissociation of elements and by a bending metamorphosis (Graziosi 1980: 63 –
68). As for the solar symbols, they are also largely widespread all over African
art, with a full range of types; as to the meaning of the symbols, we can only
suppose a general "worship" of the sun. Anyway, we point up that a man-ox-solar
symbol association can be found among the paintings at Laga Oda, although it is
rendered in a different graphic way (Cervicek 1971: Fig, 47).
We can also find out that humps – one engraved and the other obtained by
polishing the rocky wall – have been later added to two of the figures, in order
to change the animal without hump into a Bos indicus (Figures 20, 21);
thus we can suppose that the shelter had been frequented until more recent
periods, because the zebu is likely to have been introduced into that area only
a few centuries before Christ (Clark 1954, Cervicek 1978 – 79, Muzzolini 1983:
Fig. 20. Engravings of the Gesuba rock-shelter: ox (zebu). | Fig. 21. Tracing of the Gesuba rock-shelter engravings: cattle with hump subsequently applied. |
The only human representation at Gesuba, rendered in a very stylized way
and without head, appears to be linked with the figure of an ox (Figures 5,
6). Although it has no precise comparison with the style of the Ethiopian
ones, that representation is quite similar to other human figures found among
the paintings in Eritrea (Graziosi 1964): trunk and genitals are represented by
a single vertical stroke, arms and legs are reproduced by two bent down lines
crossing the trunk. Cervicek (1971: 132, note 49) asserts that the figure
without its head could be considered as a peculiar stylistic feature of the
Ethiopian-Arabian artistic trend.
remaining symbolic or abstract patterns found at Gesuba appear to be less
Figures formed by one or more segments, straight or curved (Figure 23,
l – 2), are largely widespread all over African prehistoric art, and in some
cases they are interpreted to be tribal marks as a matter of fact (Clark 1954:
Tab. 28). The quadrangular figure with the interior divided into four parts with
two symbols (Figures 10, 11) at the entrance of the cave is likely to
have a similar meaning, being indicative of possession; according to some
members of the local people it is something like a tribal mark.
Fig. 22. Engravings of the Gesuba rock-shelter: figure with cups and curved lines. | Fig. 23. Tracing of the engravings of the Gesuba rock-shelter: symbols. |
Fig. 24. Tracing of the engravings of the Gesuba rock-shelter: game. |
Moreover, that engraving seems to be more recent than the other ones at
Gesuba, taking into consideration the condition of the patina.
circle with a cross inside (Figure 23, 4 – 6) is another largely
widespread pattern, with an important geographic and chronological diffusion: we
can find it at Abka, Sudan since 7,000 B.C. (Myers 1958, 1960); in Europe that
symbol is linked with the cult of the Sun since the Neolithic (Maringer 1989:
222 – 226); the same symbolic patterns can be identified in the Nubian C-Group
pottery (Cervicek 1974: 192). In modern times the same symbol is used to brand
camels (Field 1952) and, in Tanzania, nomadic breeders use to draw it, meaning
pen, in order to propitiate the gods (Cervicek 1971: 133).
The big
central figure formed by a row of cups (Figures 9, 24) is in all
likelihood nothing else than a sort of Mweso
(Lanning 1956), a well widespread game, known all over Africa and called
Garre in Ethiopia. Taking into consideration the patina, that engraving
is supposed to be less ancient than the other representations at Gesuba.
meanings of the grouped half-moon-shaped and circular figures (Figures 12,
13), and especially of the complex drawing at the western border of the
shelter (Figures 15, 16), remain completely unknown. Is the latter a
map? The only thing we do
know is that all the lines making it up have been definitely drawn at the same
On the whole, all the engravings at
Gesuba seem to date back to the same age, except for the "mark" near the
entrance of the cave, the "game" formed by a row of cups, and the humps applied
later on two cattle, as we said above.
Some uncertainty remains concerning the
schematic or abstract patterns, consisting of geometrical or stylized symbols,
that usually appear to be typical during the later phase of the second stage
(Dahthami) of Ethiopian-Arabian style; those patterns are often associated with
representations of zebus and camels (the latter picture being not present at
the archaeological tokens are completely missing, the only data usable to date
chronologically the Gesuba engravings are the stylistic features used in
representing cattle; those features can be well included in the first stage of
Ethiopian-Arabian style which can be dated to the period between the end of the
IIIrd and the whole Ilnd millennium B.C. (Cervicek 1978 – 79, Joussaume 1981).
That chronological dating is suggested by style affinities with artefact
assemblages (Clark 1970: 206) and art (Cervicek 1974: 182 – 183a) of the Nubian
C-Group; so we can date the Gesuba engravings to the same period.
Although we did not make excavations, being only allowed to survey and
photograph the works of art, we observed some archaeological material lying on
the ground of the site: they are microlithic artefacts mostly made of obsidian,
with backed tools (segments of circle are present too) and end-scrapers. That
set of stone tools can be included in the so-called "Wiltonian" manufacture, as
it has been called until a few years ago. The "Wiltonian" lithic assemblages are
typical of sub-Saharan Africa and have been found in drifts of various caves
that show artistic pictures as well (Van Rosen 1949, Clark 1954, Clark &
Prince 1978). Unfortunately, these data are of no use as for the chronological
dating, because that kind of tools has been produced since at least the IVth
millennium B.C, until the modern times (Clark 1954: 260 – 292, Joussaume 1981:
sum up, the new prehistoric locality of Gesuba represents a further evidence of
the flourishing of art in the Ethiopian area during the last millennia before
Christ; the prevailing representation of cattle shows the fundamental role that
those animals played in the ideology of natives who were mainly breeders. That
site enriches our knowledge of the Southern Ethiopian zone which has yet to be
discovered in all its aspects, as far as archaeology is concerned. Moreover, by
making archaeological excavations, Gesuba could surely provide us with valuable
cultural and chronological results that would be important to fill the gap
concerning Eastern African recent prehistory – a gap essentially due to the poor
archaeological data we have at our disposal.
1. The locality has
been discovered by members of the R.E.G. (Geographic Researches and
Explorations) Society (Scarlino, Grosseto – Italy). They had prepared an
expedition for February and March 1994, to resume the journey of Vittorio
Bottego, an Italian explorer who travelled among southern Ethiopia in 1895 –
1897. This was the first expedition of the "Ethiopia 100 years after Vittorio
Bottego" programme, supported by the Italian Geographic Society and the Natural
Science Museum of Genova. During the first expedition the researchers tracked
the route on foot, from Lake Abaye to the Omo River; and, coming back from that
exploration, they localized a cave with some engraved figures, near the Gesuba
village about 30 km south of the town of Soddu. Soon the Ethiopian authorities
and the staff of the Natural Science Museum of Grosseto were acquainted with the
discovery. The Museum decided to set up a research team in order to survey and
photograph the recently discovered engravings. Thus, in February and March 1995,
four staff members of the Natural Science Museum of Grosseto (M. Bastianini, C.
Cavanna, G. Lombardi, A. Sforzi) under the direction of the author, left for
Addis Abeba, following the second part of the R.E.G. explorations – going down
the Omo River to Lake Turkana, for about 400 km – and supported by the funds of
the above mentioned society. Having met some representatives of the Ethiopian
Ministry of Culture (Dr Kassaye Begashav, Head of the Center for Research and
Conservation of Cultural Heritage), the researchers headed towards the site of
3. The value of
the patina as relative chronology marker has been discussed by scholars;
actually, while the results obtained by studying the patina can be used for
comparison concerning the same site, or different sites with the same
geophysical features, it is hardly possible to use the data resulting from the
patina for a wider range of comparisons. The rocks are affected by a wide range
of natural phenomena and their effect is as different as the environmental
conditions change (Muzzolini 1986: 35-38).
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L. Bachechi
Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichità Università degli studi di Firenze
Piazza Brunelleschi 4. 50122 Firenze - Italy